Why does my shower drain smell bad | United Plumbing Blog


Why does my shower drain smell bad?

At least once in your life it has happened to you: you go into the shower and there is an unpleasant smell of sewage, which spoils the process of washing. If nothing is done about it, the odor will spread further into the house. But before you do anything about it, you need to know the causes of the odor.

Why does my shower drain smell like sewer:
Bacteria and Mold: Over time, bacteria and mold can build up in the drain, leading to unpleasant odors. This is especially common in drains with slow water flow, as the stagnant water provides a breeding ground for these microorganisms.


Organic Matter Buildup: Hair, soap scum, and other organic matter can accumulate in the drain, providing food for bacteria and contributing to foul odors.

Organic Matter Buildup: Hair, soap scum, and other organic matter can accumulate in the drain, providing food for bacteria and contributing to foul odors.
Organic Matter Buildup: Hair, soap scum, and other organic matter can accumulate in the drain, providing food for bacteria

Sewer Gas: If there’s a leak or improper sealing in the plumbing system, sewer gas can enter your home through the drain, resulting in a foul smell. This can happen if the P-trap—a U-shaped pipe under the drain—is dried out or damaged.

Blocked Vent Pipe: Vent pipes are used to equalize pressure in the plumbing system and allow sewer gases to escape outside. If the vent pipe is blocked, sewer gases can back up into your home through the drains.

Chemical Reactions: Sometimes, the combination of different chemicals used in the household (like soaps, shampoos, and cleaners) can react with each other, leading to unpleasant smells. 

In case of a foul sewer odor it is possible to try to fix it yourself or if you are not confident in your abilities, then contact a professional plumber.

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