What kinds of plumbing fixtures help to save water?

Whether you want to save money on your water bill, be more environmentally conscious, or simply rescue water consumption because your area experiences frequent water shortages, you should definitely look into installing water-saving plumbing fixtures in your home. Let’s talk about the most common options you can use to save water in your home:
Pressure-reducing valve
A pressure-reducing valve or PRV can be installed in many homes to reduce the water in the house. In many houses, the water pressure is more than 35psi, however, your plumbing will work just fine if the pressure is about 35 psi. While reducing the water pressure won’t cause a lot of issues or discomfort, it can help you save a significant amount of water.
Water-saving dishwasher and washing machine
You’re already saving lots of water if you use a dishwasher instead of doing your dishes by hand and put your clothes in a washing machine instead of washing them yourself (if anyone even does that anymore). However, you can further reduce water consumption if you opt for a modern water-efficient dishwasher and washing machine.
Performance showerheads
You can reduce the amount of water you use to shower by about 30% simply by installing performance showerheads. These simple fixtures use about 1.75 gallons of water per minute, while regular showerheads use about 2.5 GPM.
Smaller bathtub
If you like to take baths often, you likely use up a ton of water. One way to reduce water consumption is to replace your old bathtub with a new model that has an ergonomic design. These tubs have a smaller volume, so you will automatically use less water to fill them up, however, their design ensures that you can still feel comfortable and enjoy your bath.
High-efficiency toilet
Many modern toilets feature high-efficiency technology that allows them to use significantly less water during every flush. While old toilets use about 2.5 gallons of water during every flush, high-efficiency models use less than 1.3 gallons. These toilets feature a “water sense” label from the Environmental Protection Agency.
Faucet aerators
These simple fixtures inject air into the water stream, which reduces the amount of water you use while maintaining the same level of pressure.
Re-circulating hot water system
These systems allow you to have hot water coming out of your faucets and showerheads as soon as you open the water flow instead of having to wait for the water to warm up.
Water-saving faucets
Just like performance showerheads, water-saving faucets allow you to reduce water consumption by about 30% whenever you open a faucet. The upside of these fixtures is that you likely won’t even notice a change in the water pressure.
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