When should you clean the shower drain? - Plumbing-United
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When should you clean the shower drain?

May 21, 2023 Author: Bekhruz Nagzibekov
Clean the shower drain

A clogged drain is a problem that owners of shower cabins face from time to time. It is not the result of mistakes made while installing a shower drain or its incorrect operation. When you are taking water procedures, water containing small debris gets into the plumbing pipes. Dirt accumulates in the siphon and over time completely obscures the pipe, which leads to disruptions in the operation of the whole system, and it becomes not as pleasant to go to the shower as it used to be. How do you know when it’s time to seek help from professionals?

Causes and signs of blockages in the drain system
Some of the most common causes of a clogged drain are hair, grease, makeup residues, clothing threads, pet hair, and random items. Contaminants such as grease and soap particles remain on the inner walls of the pipes, seal, and attract other debris to the sticky surface. If you find that something has got into the drain, but you cannot remove it or push it further down the drain, you should immediately call the specialist.
The first 3 signs that it’s the time of shower drain cleaning:

  • The slow outflow of water. If you notice that the water began to slowly leave the shower tray (or even stopped), this indicates the formation of a local blockage. But if there are problems with the bathtub drain, or sink, or toilet bowl, it is a sign of blockages in two or more pipes.
  • Mold in the bathroom/shower room. Disturbances in the plumbing system are usually accompanied by an air humidity increase, which, in turn, creates ideal conditions for the mold in the house.
  • Unpleasant smell. When the drain system is functioning properly, there is no smell of stagnant water. Its appearance in the bathroom or shower is a sign that it is time to call a plumber.

Methods for removing clogging in the shower
Found signs of blockage? Take measures to eliminate it as early as possible. If the cause is hair, wool, or grease, it is enough to use household chemicals and a plunger. However, this only applies to a drain installed recently and has not had time to get very dirty. Otherwise, you cannot cope without plumbing services.
Sometimes the situation can be corrected only by completely disassembling the siphon. The procedure involves removing dirt and debris from the inside up to plaque on the walls. Don’t perform such drain cleaning on your own – difficulties may arise at the stage of assembling the siphon. Insufficiently tight connection of the elements will lead to barely noticeable but unpleasant leaks.
Another option for solving the problem is a plumbing cable, a tool consisting of a metal rope (spring) and a handle. During its use, it is necessary to follow certain rules to prevent siphon damage: push and pull out carefully, rotate clockwise.
So, regardless of the reason for the blockage, it is better to play it safe and call the specialist at home. United Plumbing & water heaters does more than just “fight” blockages. Whether you need to perform installing a new shower drain or a preventive pipe cleaning, we are always at your service.

Methods for removing clogging in the shower

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